Developing Organizational Policies

Beyond the accessibility policy statement, the WAI outlines these steps to follow, with detailed explanations, in its resource on Developing Organizational Policies (2016):

  • “[determine] Reference standards
  • define conformance levels
  • define scope of policy
  • set conformance milestones
  • consider third-party content
  • define monitoring and review process
  • next steps: Maintaining your policy
  • longer term: Strategic planning”

What to Include in Policies and Procedures

In addition to what your accessibility policy should contain, we recommend that your policies and workflows should address these additional areas:

  • the user experience
  • the digital content and associated metadata,
  • the authoring interface for staff or authorized users,
  • the content ingestion tools,
  • the standards that the institution intends to follow, including remediation workflows.

Accessibility Statement Generator Tool

If you don’t know where to start, the WAI has created a tool to Generate an Accessibility Statement for your Institution. Fill in the form fields to get a draft accessibility statement.